Corporate Disputes

Our legal advice centre in Belgravia Knightsbridge specialises in a range of commercial issues.

These could be related to matters between business and business or even individual and business. The range of commercial disputes covered by our centre is wide.

Since 2019 we have begun specialising in a range of Arbitration matters whether it is foreign or domestic arbitration or investment arbitration.

A commercial dispute can be anything from taking a supplier to court to breaches of Company Law. We specialise in a range of Corporate and Commercial Disputes such as:

Director duties and responsibiities

Taking action against individuals at senior level such as Directors of companies who are often known as the hardest to take action against. We can assist as a Mc Kenzie friend in helping you with the formalities behind such actions.

We also assist in derivative claims against directors.

Fees: need to be discussed with our consultant solicitors

Corporate Manslaughter

The new Corporate Manslaughter and Homicide Act now makes directors criminally liable for their actions if they cause negligence or harm to empoloyees through their failure to safeguard workers.

Therefore a director can now be charged with the death of an individual on their premises. This is now common in many areas of the construction

Fees: need to be discussed with our consultant solicitors

Investment Arbitration

State to state disputes and government versus individual are the focus of investment arbitration. Whether you have entered into a treaty. Some of the key features of investment arbitration include:

When investing abroad—directly or through subsidiaries—it is important to investigate whether the investment will benefit from BIT protections. BITs offer broad legal protections that may not be available under the local law of the host country, and that can supplement the investor’s rights under any contracts governing the investment.

When disputes arise over government action or inaction relating to an investment, it is important to investigate early on the possibility of advancing claims under a BIT. BIT arbitration may be available even if contracts related to the investment (such as concession contracts)
specify adjudication in domestic courts.

Sometimes, however, this option is only available before the dispute has been referred to courts or contractual dispute settlement mechanisms, so early legal advice is critical.

Fees: need to be discussed with our consultant solicitors.

Please note: You would need to sign our terms and conditions confirming you are aware of our status as Mc Kenzie friends and that you understand we are not a solicitors practice and at no time do we claim to be one.

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