Social Security Law

Social Security Law

We can stretch our professional duties for you. There is no limit to how far we are willing to go on your case. Social security Law often deals with your government benefits.

Universal and Child tax credits, Employment and Support allowance and Personal Independence Payments. We have held a national campaign to help those struggling to find representation within this area.

Areas we have covered include Bradford, Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds.

Employment and Support Allowance

We have expert knowledge of the Employment and Support Allowance regulations. We have been able to advise on a range of issues affecting cuts in Employment and Support Allowance. Many decision makers have made incorrect decisions based on a person’s physical or mental capacity to work.

This can often leave the individual more discouraged then prior to applying. With an existing physical or mental health issue alongside cuts in your payments will not help your situation. We can therefore assist in the following ways:

ESA works on a points based system and we have often seen individuals go as high as 20+ points.

1. Mandatory Reconsideration- The process by which we review the decision made against you and ask for a statement of reasons to review the decision and any failings made by the decision maker.

You usually have one month to do this.
Cost: £150.00 including VAT.

2. First Tier Tribunal– An appeal against the refusal to reconsider your mandatory reconsideration can give you the chance to be heard by a social security appeals chamber. They can review the decision in your favour and reassess the points given to you.

Cost £200.00 including VAT

3. Upper Tribunal- You often have one month to appeal the decision of the First Tier tribunal to take this further to the Upper Tribunal. This is usually the last stage in the appeals procedure.

Cost: £200.00 including VAT

4. Court of Appeal- if you believe neither judge has seen your case accurately we could assist in furthering this to the court of appeal. This would require a considerable analysis of the tribunal decisions and whether we can gain permission of the court of appeal to have this heard is crucial.

Cost £450.00

Please note: Medical evidence is key to winning your case. All medical evidence will support you in increasing your points. Regulations 29 and 35 are of prime importance to the decision maker and why we can assist you with understanding these.

Please note: You would need to sign our terms and conditions confirming you are aware of our status as Mc Kenzie friends and that you understand we are not a solicitors practice and at no time do we claim to be one.

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