Intellectual Property Disputes

Our Legal centre in Southall and Knightsbridge offers Intellectual property advice on your invention. Whether you are seeking protection for a logo, symbol or trademark.

A new edition to our consultancy is the practice of Intellectual prperty law. We have a firm understanding of IP law and the areas of IP law many clients and also companies may find themselves in.

For instance you could simply be seeking advice on the protection of your product or service whether they are specific symbols or perhaps the product itself. There are two areas we can assist in. They are:

1. Copyrights
2. Patent Law

Copyright Law

Copyrights focuses more on the design rights for example you may want to bring out your own mobile phone into the market and as tempted as you are to make it as similar as say as the Iphone, you realise you could land yourself into a legal dispute as to the size, shape dimensions of this product if you have not researched other similar products.

You could be guilty of copyright infringement which carries various legal consequences financially and criminally too. Our service can help advise you as to your rights when looking to protect your design. We offer a free legal advice service on Copyright protection and we only charge fees once you decide to proceed.

Fees- Dependent on individual applications

Patent Law

A Patent is simply the protection of your entire product against an individual or organisation seeking to produce or copy your desigh. Patent applications are far more complicated and require substantial examination prior to gaining protection.
We have substantial experience of European Patent Office procedures and the UK intellectual property office procedures. Your application will be examined by an independent examiner at the UKIPO or the EPO they will assess your application for protection against many crtieria’s such as:

We can assist you as IP advisors and not solicitors when making an application to the Patent office. This means we cannot formally represent you but we can help you get started by assisting you with any problematic areas you may experience.

1. Novelty- is your product a new invention or something which could easily be copied

2. Prior art- has there been anything previously in existence like your product, how similar is it to other types.

3. Inventive step- Does it have both a technical and inventive concept to it. Is it something which anyone can think up!

4. Industrial use- What is the likelihood of its use once a patent is granted.

Fees: Dependent on analysis and service used.

Please note: You would need to sign our terms and conditions confirming you are aware of our status as Mc Kenzie friends and that you understand we are not a solicitors practice and at no time do we claim to be one.

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