Spanish Full Legal Services

In 2017 our Mc Kenzie friend legal service collaborated with a firm of Spanish Lawyers in order to deliver the international element to our services. We do not undertake any Conveyancing through our practice however once you ask us to proceed on a property sale then we would refer you to our spanish partners who can offer the following:

Regarding our conveyancing service:  Our spanish partners lead you through the whole process on purchase-sale in Spain to ensure that all the legal requirements are fulfilled and that interests are secured from the very first moment and including after-sales service,  they provide first class advice
on purchase-sale contracts,  lease contracts, negotiation, banking finance, and also they can give legal assistance on wills, inheritances, legalization of documents and any kind of legal support at Court.

Business Law make sure that the company fullfills with all the legal requirements in Spain and
with the local rules of each Town Hall or province

 Legal advice on the setting up of the company in Spain ( best structure to follow, most economical and safest way for each case, etc..) and also the best way to collaborate with a Spanish company (agency, distribution or franchise agreements)

Internationalizing a company (making sure of the most economic and safest way for the client).

*Additional Legal Services we can provide:
      –   Debt recovery procedures in Spain
      –   Legal assistance on all types of International legal procedures.-

Enforcement of foreign judgements in Spain and of Spanish judgements abroad.-
 Legal advice on contractual guarantees on the credit in your international contracts

Usual structure of the fees

We use the structure that I am going to describe you below, though we can also use the “hourly rate scheme” as default option:

-1) For the legal advice on purchase-sale and sale contracts on properties: we usually charge 1,5% on the net price of the house, to be paid half at the beginning and the other half at the end of the procedure. (other costs and taxes would be charged apart to the client), with a minimum of 1.500 euros.

This service is really complete and it  includes:

 -Checking all the contract and making sure about the legal situation of the property (ownership, to check that it is free of charges and with the correct area and correct situation a the Land Registry.-

-Obtaining all the necessary legal documents so that to purchase a property in Spain (i.e.N.I.E.numbers) and also making sure that the owner has got all the correct documents to sell the property ( i.e. habitation licence of the Town Hall, energy certificate, updates taxes certificate and other updated payments on the house, etc…)

-Dealing with all the financial aspects of banking relating to property purchase; direct-debit & standing-order set up, bank guarantees etc.. We can also negotiate mortgages and loans with the banks on your behalf, ensuring that you get the best deal.

  -Finally it also includes a full legal service at the notary for translation,  signing of title deeds and all the legal procedure until the house is completely registered at the Land Registry in Spain and the client has got his title deed of the property in hand.

2) Regarding the Spanish Wills: To prepare a Spanish will, in both English and Spanish language and to accompany the client to the Notary to sign the will, with a complete translation and explanation and getting it registered etc… I usually charge: 400 euros ( this includes also the Notary’s fees and all the costs for this) and if it is a couple (two wills) there is a considerable discount on the second one, so I usually charge 600 euros for the two wills (also including everything).-

3) With regard to the setting up a company in Spain or relocation: In this case, it is a little bit more difficult to be precise on the fees, as it really depends on the difficulty, the time to be spent on the case, the type of assistance and work to carry out, etc…, so I think this should be calculated on the basis of each concrete case.

4) Finally with reference to dispute resolution: again it depends on the case, but I can tell you that if it is debt recovery we usually ask for a fee of 10% to 12%  of the amount ( and the other costs apart), but again, it would be worthy to talk on each case basis.

Please note: You would need to sign our terms and conditions confirming you are aware of our status as Mc Kenzie friends and that you understand we are not a solicitors practice and at no time do we claim to be one.

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